What is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)?

Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) is a behavior, everyone strives to figure out how the relationship between parents and children can become ideal.

Family-oriented therapy designed to help improve the parent-child relationship through interaction. In this way, child-directed interactions can help develop effective parenting techniques and reduce behavioral problems, and can also lead to stronger family relationships.

Positive parenting techniques work well for raising children with discipline and good moral values and are the dream of every parent.

How PCIT works?

PCIT focuses on changing the behaviors of both the parent and child together.

The PCIT program consists of two phases: relationship building and discipline and compliance. In PCIT, parents have the opportunity to learn new skills that can help them become better able to provide a caring, nurturing, and beneficial environment for their child.

In this therapy , parents engage their child in a play situation with the goal of strengthening the parent – child relationship. The therapist guides positive interaction between the parent and child.

Sometimes children may have unacceptable behavior due to social or cultural expectations. That refers to arguing with parents, crying easily, stealing, arguing with friends of one's own age , Easily distracted, beating parents, interrupting, refusing to obey until threatened, constantly trying attention.

The ultimate goal of this approach is to help transform negative behaviors into more positive behaviors. Improving emotional regulation and communication between both parent and child creates more positive communication and healthy relationships in the family.

How it helps ?

here are many benefits to PCIT, family counseling procedure that teaches effective parenting skills and helps parents interact better with their children on a daily basis.

According to research, PCIT may be especially helpful for: